direction or
diagnosis every time

Savvas Neophytou Co-founder CEO
Primary care models broken, impact productivity

• UK - 362m primary care appointments pa (15m DNAs)
• More than 50m people require >7 days wait to see their
• NHS helpline 111 takes 22m calls each year,
• Out of nearly 21m attendances at A&E, some 7.5% of
patients have a waiting-time of more than 4 hours.
• Nearly 40% of people attending A&E are discharged
without requiring treatment.
• Although most of those incidents could have been dealt
with by Out of hour GP services, less than 17% of all
people requiring access are able to get it.
• Physician work/life balance affecting outcomes (Some 8
out of 10 GPs were reported to fear missing a serious illness because of their heavy workload).

How can we help?

• Our platform allows GPs to work from home.
• And patients to access GP led primary healthcare from
the comfort of their home at the time they need it and
importantly when it is most convenient to themselves.
• We provide solutions to Pharmacy services
• Our aim is to provide reassurance, direction or diagnosis
every time.
• There is a clear need for our service, physician led
primary healthcare at your finger tips at a cost that is
affordable to everyone.
organisation. Our media and marketing campaign in London, in October, when the cold and cough season starts in the UK.
• The app needs to be highly visible; not only on internet search engines – enhanced PPC/SEO - but also on tube billboards, TV/radio advertising and directed editorials. Blitz HR circles when businesses are suffering the most from employee absence due to illness.

Underlying Magic

• In a highly regulated industry we have designed a platform in a bottom up approach which not only provides a best in class UX, but also offers substantial back-end solutions to ensure IG compliance, security and data protection.
• We also able to provide substantial work-force analysis from an occupational healthcare point of view and our platform lends itself well for integration to existing enterprise software and facilitates robust yet swift implementation
• Our secret sauce centres around our ability to be market led in our designs and end product. We also use proprietary adware, algorithms and targeted PPC to enhance our organic search engine optimisation protocols
Measure, adapt and improve to boost our signal. Using dummy domains, no traditional marketing and costing a total of £4,636, we were able to generate 3,754 click throughs in London alone in a period between 28/01/2015 and 02/02/2015. The CPC of this campaign was £1.23. An earlier simulation run in November 2014 had a CPC of £3.5

Sales channels outline

• Global telemedicine market $16bn (+14.3% CAGR to 2020) to $36.3bn in 2020.
• m-health segment $2.4bn in 2013 (+55-60% CAGR)
• How do we plan to monetise the opportunity?

Go to Market Plan

(a) Direct sales model into corporates, focusing on
SMEs initially that may not have extensive
flexible benefit systems
(b) PMIs – Looking to provide either white labelled
platform or own branded services to PMIs in
what has become an arms race in the space
(c) Intermediaries / Agents – to approach larger
corporates as part of comprehensive occupational health package

(a) Conform, inform, assimilate strategy
(b) CQC, IG, N3
(c) Resurrect failing Vanguards (£200m to be
spent by March 2016)
(d) Apply for test-bed status
(e) Tender CCG out of hours services
(f) Ambulance, Prison, Care home services
B2C – Use our proprietary marketing to make a significant splash

Competitive Analysis

• UK:
(a) Babylon - Top down design, utilising queuing system
aimed at capacity utilisation. Suboptimal hosting, additionally, Babylon does not, yet, offer pharmacy services
(b) Doctor care anywhere – Again built around capacity utilisation model rather than fully scalable flexible model
(c) Push Dr – Similar design to DCA
(d) Doctify – Currently database based, Just Eat
business model, it is backed by the heir to the
Heineken family
(e) Vitality – Only available to insured patients

• US:
(a) Healthtap – offers Apple watch App, concierge led (b) Teledoc – adapted from telemedicine business (c) American well – Video consultation, Teva backed (d) Doctor on demand – video consultation service (e) First Opinion – texting service
(f) – nurse led

Management Team

Dr Savvas Neophytou – Co-Founder, CEO
Co-founder of Dr Now. Previously spent 15 years in IB/ECM at JP Morgan, Bear Stearns, Shore Capital, Cantor Fitzgerald and Panmure Gordon. Regularly ranked in Starmine, he was runner up in the CityAM Analyst of the Year awards in 2014.

Lee Dentith – Co-Founder
Founder and CEO of the Media Agency Group. Lee has grown the group to be the largest independent media provider outside London. Lee specialises in the effective use of media and has been at the forefront of digital technology, analysis and automation; developing new and unique software for analysing traditional and digital media spend.

John Hughes – Co-Founder
Serial entrepreneur John Hughes founded Hampson Hughes Solicitors in 2007. Since its inception, he has developed and grown the company to be a £20m turnover business employing >200 staff. Also part owns Cassell Moore, a commercial law firm providing multi discipline legal services for corporate and private clients.

Dr Andrew J Thornber – Co-Founder, Clinical Director
A doctor of medicine and has been practising for over 20 years. He graduated from the University of Liverpool with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, and a Bachelor of Science (with Honours).

Financial Projections
Current Status, future direction

• Our first App is already launched both in iOS and Android. We have doctors taking consultations every day.
• The mobile health apps market alone is worth some $8bn, whilst the wearable hardware device market alone is worth $3bn. As the two markets converge, we expect a significant opportunity to emerge for our developing services.
• In due course, we aim to develop software that links with wearable devices to provide a more holistic picture of patients’ overall history and state of wellness prior to each ailment. This should enable us to provide better prophylactic measures to patients and also help improve diagnosis rates.
• We are also planning for partnerships with existing hardware and software manufacturers (e.g. Apple, Jawbone, Garmin, Fitbug etc)? Our software is designed to an ease of linkage with other partners in the future.
• As consumer healthcare and the provision of care harnesses AI, we aim to be at the forefront of innovation and clinical excellence.

Timeline and Use of Proceeds

• Notification / prompting of appointments, etc. via monitoring via smart technology
• Intelligent interpretation and use of big data
• Embracing self-diagnosis and self-health
• Extended access to medication
• Trans-border management

Use of proceeds: £3.5m marketing investment, £1.0m Back-end development, integration with PMIs & NHS, £0.5m working capital
Marketing investment breakdown: Y1: TV £232k, Radio £455k, Press £351k, Outdoor £469k, Online £100k, Creative £60k
“Primary care is now back in your hands, your choice of physician and appointments to fit in with your needs...your choice of pharmacy dispatch location and time, after all we don’t ever plan to be ill...”.

Now Healthcare

t: 0151 909 4530